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  • Pets are not allowed in the library.
  • While the library occasionally presents educational programs that feature animals, members of the public may only enter the library with an animal if it is a service animal that requires accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Under the ADA, a service animal is a dog (or miniature horse) that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The animal must be trained to take a specific action to assist the person with a disability, and the task(s) performed must be directly related to the disability.
  • Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals that have not been trained to perform a specific job or task do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.
  • If it is not known that a dog brought into the library is a service animal, a staff member may ask the following questions:
      • 1. Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?

        2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?


  • A staff member attempting to ascertain whether a dog is a service animal will never ask about the nature of a person’s disability.
  • Service animals must be under the immediate control of their handlers at all times.
  • Service animals that are not housebroken, bark excessively, are uncontrolled, or are otherwise disruptive will be required to leave the premises.
  • Animals may never be left unattended on library grounds.
  • Service animals are not allowed on library furniture or fixtures, or in library baskets or carts, and must remain on the floor or be carried (as appropriate) by their handler at all times.
  • Misrepresenting a dog as a service animal is a violation of the library’s Patron Code of Conduct, and may result in suspension of library privileges.

Observing the above helps make the library a safe, clean and friendly place for the entire community. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


Approved by the Board of Directors of the Richard Salter Storrs Library, February 20, 2020