Your library card is the key to borrowing materials, using our research databases, online learning tools, downloadable e-books, e-audio books, movies, magazines, and much more. Your Storrs library card will also allow you to borrow at any C/WMARS (Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing) library.
To Get an eCard:
An eCard is a CW MARS library card that provides access to electronic materials ONLY, such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, and databases.
The eCard is for patrons who do not already have a CW MARS library card. eCards can be upgraded to a physical library card with full borrowing privileges by visiting your local library with your eCard and acceptable identification (listed below). Register for an eCard here.
To Get a Physical Card:
Anyone who is a resident of Massachusetts or owns property in the state and can provide acceptable identification and proof of current home address may apply for and receive a physical library card. Click here for the printable registration form or pick one up at the library circulation desk.
Examples of Acceptable Identification Include:
- Driver’s license with current address
- Massachusetts ID card
- School ID
- A combination of any photo ID card , and if that is lacking the current address*, documentation of the current address (examples – utility bill, eBill, imprinted bank check, official school schedule, etc.) *A post office box or business address in not sufficient; a current residential address is required.
- Patrons under the age of 14 must have a parent or guardian sign the application for a library card.
- Bay Path students are eligible for a library card. Students must supply a home address in addition to the local college address. All Bay Path student cards expire at the end of each academic year.
- There is no charge for a library card.
- Note: Storrs Library is a member of the CWMARS network. Materials at any member library may be borrowed using a card from any CWMARS library.
Out of State Registration Policy: (physical cards only, no eCard enrollment)
As of November 19, 2020, all out of state cardholders including new registrations and re-registrations will be assessed a $35.00 biennial fee upon registration or renewal. Note: A waiver may be applied under the circumstances, provided proper documentation is presented:
- Longmeadow taxpayers who present a copy of their current Longmeadow tax bill.
- Employees of the Town of Longmeadow who present a pay stub.
- Volunteers in a Longmeadow Town Department who bring in a note from their supervisor.
- Donors to Storrs Library and Friends of Storrs Library who have made a contribution of $35.00 within the current fiscal year (July1 – June 30). A receipt or cancelled check must be presented. This policy applies mainly to Connecticut residents who live in close neighboring communities to Longmeadow or those who meet the requirement listed above. All requests for out-of-state privileges at the Storrs Library will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Storrs Library staff reserve the right to refuse or rescind out-of-state privileges at any time.
Lost your card? Please report your lost card as soon as possible.