The Storrs Library building and public spaces are available for the use of patrons in order to meet their needs in accessing information. As part of its educational mission, the library permits tutoring on the premises in accordance with this policy.
The Storrs Library does not sponsor, recommend, or assume liability or responsibility for the work and/or activities of tutors who use available library space. All arrangements must be made between the tutor, student and caregivers. Tutors may not publish or use advertisements that indicate that the Library is their place of business or otherwise imply the Library sponsors their activities.
Tutors are asked to observe the following guidelines when tutoring in the library:
- Library staff is happy to assist tutors and their students, just as they assist any patron of the Library. However, the library staff must be available to all people who are using the library at any given time.
- The library space is not to be used as a classroom or place of business, but as a safe and quiet workspace for students to receive instruction. The use of space should not interfere with easy access through the library by other library users.
- Tutors are responsible for the behavior of the students being tutored during their session.
- Conversations or instruction should not be loud enough to distract other library users.
- Due to the limited space available for tutoring, group tutoring sessions are limited to no more than 2 students.
- Any area of the library designated as a “Quiet Reading Area” is off-limits for tutoring purposes.
- Tutors and students must bring their own supplies.
- Library staff reserves the right to terminate a tutoring session if it becomes disruptive to regular library business. Failure to abide by these guidelines may result in termination of tutoring privileges in the Library.
Approved by the Board of Directors of the Richard Salter Storrs Library, March 13, 2013